Doggie Door Mastered
The last three days have been busy! My youngest daughter, who is pregnant, is moving into a new house and we have been scrubbing and cleaning and de-dusting. Both dogs have had to make due at home for several hours while I’ve been away.
Backing up just a little, when Kiah first came home, she put her foot down and refused to use the doggie door as was intended. I found some duct tape and taped it open for her and she has been right on target for going outside for her potty breaks, to play in the yard or just sit and admire the scenery. When I would untape the door she would sit in front of it and bark. Emi still went in and out, but it was apparently beneath Kiah’s delicate sensibility to push her own door open.
Last night, after another round of cleaning, I was sitting when a familiar smell started wafting from somewhere. Skunk. It wasn’t strong enough to be in or next to the house but you could certainly smell it around the doggie door. With some trepidation I decided to close the door hoping I wouldn’t wake up to too many accidents on the floor.
Kiah let me sleep until 7:20, unheard of for her, I can’t imagine how she managed to contain herself. I got up and staggered down to open the door so she could go out, noticing in my passage that there didn’t seem to be any piles or puddles. I fixed myself a cup of coffee to finish waking up as Emi settled in at my feet. It wasn’t long before we both heard it, the sound of someone poking at the doggie door. Kiah let out one little bark and I held my breath. Emi and I waited. I looked but didn’t see Kiah at the door, so I crossed my fingers. A few minutes later, bouncing her proud way back into the house was my doggie door trained little princess. And she is so very impressed with herself!
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