Clicker Training

I firmly believe in positive training and have been exploring clicker training. Arming myself with tiny pieces of hot dog and a fancy little clicker, I gathered the dogs and got down to work.

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I am so loving watching the interaction between Emi and Kiah. Yesterday we had a bad thunderstorm blow in late afternoon. Emi is very nervous during these storms and usually wedges herself under my desk downstairs.

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Friends, Big Girl Hair, and carsickness

Kiah is quickly coming into her own. She had me rolling on the floor laughing last night. She was in a playful mood and Emi was in a mood to humor her. Kiah would pick a toy and prance around the room trying to entice a totally disinterested golden retriever into taking the bait. Emi would just sit there and watch, not moving. Kiah tried everything. She would drop the toy enticingly close to Emi ready to snatch it out of the way at the last minute. Still Emi just sat there, unblinking, as still as the sphinx itself. Kiah picked the toy back up and looked over at Emi. Emi exploded up from the dog bed and rushed Kiah. She flew around the table, stopping at my feet. Poor Kiah, it scared her really well, but only for a moment and she was right back at it, struggling for dominance over a small stuffed cat.

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