What Does A Livestock Guardian Dog Do?

I know people look at the large sleeping pile of white fur and wonder just what exactly does she do around here?

Kiah’s responsibilities are many and mostly of her own making. Great Pyrenees are somewhat nocturnal so if you come over to the house you will see her sleeping quite a bit through the day. Over the course of 24 hours her life looks a little like this:

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Great Pyrenees


Do you love your dog like I do? Great, come on in, get cozy and let’s explore why that is and what we can do about it.

I’ve chosen the Great Pyrenees breed for several personal reasons and have not a single regret. They are, however, somewhat different than your run of the mill dog. For one thing, this breed is fiercely independent to the point of willful stubbornness.

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Chickens and more chickens

Recently I decided to try raising chickens. More accurately I was on the fence about raising chickens when my daughter called from the feed store telling me they had chicks available. So it’s a joint project, 5 chicks going to live with her and 5 coming to call my place home. She has already suffered some loss but my 5 are getting on wonderfully well, even learning to go “walk-about” over the fence and trying to set up meet and greets with the neighbors.

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It’s a dog

I was wasting time on the internet when I came across a comment about a Great Pyrenees naturally eating the smaller animals in a flock. Of course the comments blew up, pyrenees are well known for the gentle, almost motherly, care they take of the babies under their watch and would never normally harm any of them.

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Emi has a typical doggie smile, one that seems smug and self confident. She breaks it out occasionally when the smug is in an appropriate context. Kiah on the other hand, has the smile that says, “I just love it here, and there, and that, and this, and everything”. She has a sweet, sweet smile that seems typical of the Pyrenees breed. I find it easier to read her expression as compared to Emi’s.  Before Kiah’s arrival I would return home to a quiet house where Emi would be secreted somewhere safe and secure. If I let her find me, she would always approach with a stern look as if she were trying to figure out just who had invaded her space.  Never would she greet me at the door full of typical puppy love, wiggly and squirmy, with the tail going a mile a minute.

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